At Assignmentyoda, we understand how critical it is to keep your data protected. As a result, we have drafted a policy that indicates how we manage your data. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Our ability to provide high quality services depends on the data at our disposal. Consequently, we ask for your personal information only when the need arises, most especially when it is needed to provide you with such a high-quality service

2. All the personal data obtained from our numerous clients is not saved on our site beyond the period required by law.

3. Our customers have greater control over their personal records. In other words, our customers have the right to decide how to share, allow search index, store and delete this confidential information on our website. This is in accordance with relevant data protection policy.

4. Given that transparency is very important in our operations, it also reflects on the techniques we deploy to store, collect and share customer’s data.

These are our fundamental principles of data protection; we have taken a step further to break them down in our Privacy Policy.

How Our Privacy Policy Protects your Interest?

In this Privacy Policy, we have detailed how Assignmentyoda manages the personal data of our esteemed clients. We are most likely to have access to our customers’ details when they use one or more of the following:

1. Our official website

2. Our Android and iOS mobile apps (under development)

3. Other products and services that are from Assignmentyoda’s stable

We understand and acknowledge your inalienable data protection rights regarding the privacy and security of your information. For all intents and purposes, personal data is any piece of information that describes your person, directly or indirectly. As we have a responsibility to protect your personal data, this policy helps us not to abandon that responsibility. Indeed, we use legal methods to gather, store and control our customers’ details. After reading this, you will have a good understanding of how we manage such information. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any concerns or questions about how we cover your privacy in this detailed policy.

Receiving Data

Often, we obtain your personal information from our partners through legal means. Some of these means include contractual agreements, which you may have with us or any of our partners. If you already have an agreement with these partners, they will act as your representative. In any case, we will always ask for your consent or the approval of the third parties that already have your dossier to share this vital information with us. In other words, we don’t access your data without seeking due approval from you or the third parties that already have them.

Information We Collect

When you navigate on our website, we will immediately gather some of your details. These include:

1. Your IP addresses

2. The actual device that you are using to go through the pages of our website

3. Other technical details and how you interact with the website

Some other information that you may find interesting has been detailed in our Cookie Policy. The table below gives more insight into the information we are often interested in.



Reasons Why Information is Required



·         The key means of interaction with our user (user engagement)

·         Keep the user informed of the latest marketing and promotional campaigns  


User’s location

·         Verifying the actual user

·         Safeguarding against unauthorized use of our site and/or resale of the account

·         It is important for tax and VAT purposes


Names (first name and surname)

·         For verifying the actual user

·         For taxation, billing and invoice issuance purposes


Contact address

·         Billing and invoice issuance


Phone Number

·         For customer support

·         Effective communication with the user

·         Verification purposes


Personal Data Collection

When you choose us, Assignmentyoda team will require you to share your personal information for one or more of the following reasons:

1. For effective delivery of services purchased through our website

2. To constantly remind you of the product and service you once showed interest in after a while, especially if you didn’t purchase it after showing interest in it

3. To give you additional information about the product and service that you have already purchased from us through our website and inform you about related products and services (if need be)

4. We also require your personal details for legal purposes, most especially if you have an agreement with our company

5. To honor the agreement of always informing you about our products and services as long as you have consented to that

6. To fulfil all the obligations implicitly or explicitly stated in the contract you signed with Assignmentyoda.

While we do all this to keep in touch with our users, they have the right to opt out of these services if they feel that they may no longer need them. This is a clear indication that every message shared with you is done for a reason, which we have stated above.

Why We Collect Your Information?

Basically, there are two main reasons why we collect your data:

1. When we have a legal permission from you

2. When you have given us the consent to carry out specific actions, such as sharing newsletters and completing certain services.

This shows that we respect your privacy and that we do not use your personal information without your consent or express approval.

Collecting Your Personal Information on Legal Grounds

As we have established the reasons why we collect your personal data, we will then proceed to process the data we have gathered. Data processing is carried out in one or more of the following cases:

1. When you have a contract with us

2. When there is a law that compels us to do so

3. When you have shown your interest in sharing them with us

4. When you have chosen our service, and it must be executed

5. When you have consented to it

Without any of the above-stated reasons, there is no basis for us to proceed with your data processing.

How To Give Us Your Information?

We have exposed different reasons for gathering your details alongside your consent for us to keep such important information. Here are the different methods:

1. Filling out our forms or sending an email to our website

2. Contacting us through our official phone numbers

3. Reviewing our products and services or just giving any feedback

4. Placing an order for any of our products and services through the website

5. Chatting with customer care agents

Based on the sort of information we always require our clients to provide, it could be personal, financial, educational or any other. Without any doubt, this is required to make sure that we give our customers exceptional services without hitches.

Obtaining Information from Other Sources

There are a number of ways we obtain information about our clients. For instance, if you use any of our other websites or share your details with any of our affiliates or partners who have been given the permission to share your record, we will invariably obtain your information from those sources.

Beside this method, we collect details about you from other third parties, such as subcontractors, technical fields, ad networks and background checking organizations, who have the exclusive permission to collect and share your record with us.

With respect to your files, we have the exclusive right to retain or store the files that you have downloaded, uploaded or used via our website. If you don’t have permission to use certain files, we strongly advise you not to share them with us. You are prohibited from sharing files that contain your information or any other third party that you don’t have permission to share. However, if you must share such files, it is strongly recommended that you obtain their permission as we don’t guarantee the security of such files.

Sharing Your Information

Given that we collect users’ personal data from partners, we also share your records with them for certain reasons. Essentially, we seek your consent and make sure that we have it before treating them. More importantly, we must have the legal permission to share such details before we do so. By and large, we share your data with the following parties:

1. The marketing department of our company to always furnish you with related and relevant record about our products and services for promotional purposes after registering with us

2. Our partners and subcontractors on the condition that your personal data or any other is necessary for fulfilling our/their contractual obligations

3. Our subsidiaries, as explicitly defined by the provisions of the law of …………… which regulates how we operate

4. With other third parties, but this can only be done when you have given your consent that such details should be shared.

Obviously, these are the reasons why we share your record with other parties. When we share your information, we make sure that your personal data receives the necessary protection it deserves.


Reasons for Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

We must state that in event of complete acquisition of Assignmentyoda by another organization, we will have to transfer all the information in our possession to the new firm as our assets. Other reasons why we will share your personal data are:

1. If there is a legal obligation that binds on us to comply with;

2. When sharing such details are critical to fraud prevention or risk mitigation, typically with law enforcement agencies or other related organizations;

3. If a government agency requests that we share such intel with them;

4. In compliance with certain agreements that were explicitly stated on our website, such as Terms of Conditions;

5. As an inevitable move that will see Assignmentyoda management protect the property and/or right of the company and that of our clients

Aggregated Information and Data Processing

There are situations where third parties have anonymized or aggregated information. This simply means that any of the personal data that can be used to identify you has been removed. Based on that premise, the data cannot be said to be personal information, but it is still a part of stats. In any event of this occurring, you have the right to turn down a request to share such information.

Lastly, your primary data is stored and processed in (the United States or Europe). However, we reserve the right to store your data outside these two jurisdictions if you give ascent to our privacy policy. Well, this can only come to play if we have the required facility. You should note that data shared with us is encrypted so as to secure it from cybercrime. Also, we use the most innovative technologies to shield unauthorized users from having access to it.