1. Definitions


There are some definitions that you should the meaning of within our context. They are explained below:

a) By using our “Website,” we mean the cumulative number of web pages that contain the sub-domains, where our services can be viewed, accessed and used.

b) The term “Services” is used to describe different types of written academic work given to students. These could be theses, essays, research papers, and other academic tasks. T&C may also include some of the legal provisions within which we operate. They include Privacy Policy, Antiplagiarism Guarantee, Money Back Policy, Revision Policy and others.

c) “We,” “Our,” and “Us” are terminologies that are used to describe Assignmentyoda. To be clear, Assignmentyoda is a fully registered writing services company in compliance with the laws of United States of America.

d) “User,” “Client,” and “You,” are terms used to describe someone, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has registered with our company and accepted our terms and conditions. Additionally, it can be used for anyone who has placed an order, is about to make a payment, doing bidding, or about to issue a file via our platform.

e) “Writer” in this context means a person who is an Assignmentyoda employee (either full-time or part-time) and has the responsibility of carrying out extensive research and work on the academic work of a client, according to some employment agreements that he/she has with our company.

f) “Account” pertains to a dedicated section of the website that the general public is not allowed to have access to. However, it is automatically created for each user after they have signed up and performed some required actions. As you already know, accessing one’s account is possible with the aid of a username and a password.

g) “Order” is a request that comes from a client, demanding that the management and staff of Assignmentyoda render certain services to him or her. Typically, all clients are required to give the details of the academic task to the writer through it. Upon successfully completing the order, the client is also required to electronically transfer it to the admin.

h) “Product” is the result of the order, meaning an already processed order or deliverable. When our deliverable is returned to the client, after the client has fully processed the request in accordance with the client’s guidelines, we say that the client’s order has been delivered.

i) “Client’s information” is the file that contains important details about an order, as the client described it while placing an order. More importantly, for client’s information to meet our requirement, it must be in a format that is compatible with the website. The client submits it to us as an example or reference. Assignmentyoda team has the exclusive right to determine the size and format of such a file.


2. Signing Up and Placing an Order

a) Choosing our services is as simple as signing up on our website to place an order. No doubt, you will be required to first create an account before giving us all the project requirements. Just before filling out the form, you will be required to provide the following information: Name, phone number, and email address. All this will form a part of your login parameters. Given that any of the login details can change anytime, you are mandated to update it yourself or get in touch with our helpdesk to do it for you.

b) To place an order on our website, you are required to fill out the order form, detailing important assignment information. We do not accept any other method of placing order on the site besides the simple method indicated above.

c) The task information that we require you to specify includes the scope of work, delivery details and other important parameters. It must be made abundantly clear that the onus is on you to get accurate information that we will use to effectively render top-notch deliverable.

d) Upon successfully following through the procedure for placing an order on the website, your order will be delivered based on the requirements that you have specified.


3. Payments and Discounts

a) Making the important call to place an order through us means that you have consented to pay us. Note that we will start working on your order as soon as we have received your precise guidelines of what you expect from our team and as soon as the payment for the product has been authorized.

b) While all the pricings are predetermined from the pricing list, the final price of your product will be calculated according to the latest pricing. We have already detailed all the fees you are expected to pay for different categories of academic work on our Pricing Page. However, we recognize that there may be circumstances where there will be minor variations. No doubt, these are no isolated instances. Upon identifying the scope of work, you are expected to pay for it in FULL and in advance. We cannot take the responsibility to complete the order and deliver the product until we have received the full payment for it.

c) On the same page, we have detailed all the available payment options. Users are expected to choose the most convenient payment option. Kindly refer to this page to know more about available payment options.

d) Given that we prioritize customer satisfaction, certain categories of clients will be qualified to enjoy discounts and bonuses. However, Assignmentyoda reserves the right to determine who is qualified for it using certain criteria.

e) Part of what our Money Back Guarantee policy covers occurs when a client decides to opt out of our services. The user will have his/her money fully refunded in accordance with this policy. Keep in mind that we will not assume responsibilities for eventual payment delays or fees, bank anomalies and other transfer hitches.

f) Customers will have to pay taxes, including VAT (value added tax). Depending on where you are accessing our services, you may be required by relevant laws to pay additional taxes. Some of these taxes include ad valorem taxes. We will calculate the total amount of the tax and add it to your payment before the full payment is made.

g) You must express your readiness to comply with relevant jurisdictional tax laws of your locality. This move has become critical as Assignmentyoda has to prove to relevant authorities that it is a law-abiding company.


4. Order Process

Learn more about our order process below.

a) Order validation. Our team reserves the right to review the user’s order to establish that the payment is completed in a way that the client’s requirements will be fully met. If it is not the case, we have the right to alter the order, making it to fully match the client’s description.

b) Order volume. We have a mechanism for measuring the number of orders placed per volume. Based on our current setting, we have it set as one page equals 275 words. The document received upon the completion of the order ought to match the total number of pages and words as clearly stated in the order. In case of any mismatch between the actual order and the actual number of pages delivered, the client has the right to call for a review or to reformat the paper.

c) Changes in order details. It’s fair enough for the client to go ahead and make changes to the order details and specifications. However, there’s a caveat. These changes should only be made before the assigned writer starts working on the project. To be clear, if a client goes ahead to make changes to the guidelines, when the writer has started working on the project, the client will have to compensate the Assignmentyoda team.

d) Resources. Chances are that a client may have a specific resource that he wants the assignment handler to use for the job. In that case, the client is required to specify or provide the resource alongside the form when he or she is submitting the latter. Whenever writers are contacted, the helpdesk team acts as a proxy. Oftentimes, we counsel that there should be an effective client-customer service or client-writer communication. This communication can be done on our website through our innovative live chat feature, email or phone calls.

e) Tracking the order. Every client can track the progress made through his account, which has the necessary features to display this important information. Basically, the progress made is displayed as status on the dashboard of every account. Alternatively, the client can contact the helpdesk team if he or she wishes to make inquiries about the work progress.


5. Delivering Orders

The points below detail everything you need to know about how we deliver products.

a) It is our responsibility to deliver a client’s actual order based on the specifications given when the request was placed.

b) The client is responsible to provide relevant information about the preferred means of delivery that the product will be shipped when it is successfully completed. Assignmentyoda will not be held responsible if the client provides incorrect email address, spam filters that block email with their order, or other errors that may arise as a result of client’s negligence. The client is strongly advised to contact our helpdesk team if the actual order received was the same as what he/she specified in the request.

c) It is the client’s role to download the delivered order in a timely manner when he/she gets a notification that it has arrived.

d) We recommend that you refer to our Refund Policy (Money Back Guarantee) to familiarize yourself with how it works.


6. Order Revision

Our project revision details are specified OK below:

a) You are also encouraged to refer to our Revision Policy to learn more.

b) If a client calls for revision whereas we followed the actual instructions he/she initially gave, we have the right to decline such revisions. Nevertheless, the client is free to make changes to the original request, so we can carry out the revision. In that case, he or she will have to pay additional fees.

c) If Assignmentyoda team suspects that a client is trying to exploit our writer or this revision policy, we have the right to turn down such requests.


7. Refund Policy

At Assignmentyoda, customer satisfaction and integrity are our watchwords. As a result, we have the responsibility to deliver products that satisfy the requirements of our clients. However, if we are unable to meet this obligation, the client is entitled to a partial or full reimbursement. For more information, please see our Money Back Guarantee policy.


8. Use of Products

Before you use our products and services, you should go through these guidelines:

a) Upon making the payment for the product, you are required to acknowledge that the product will be used for personal and noncommercial purposes. In addition, you will also acknowledge that the fee you have been asked to pay is fair enough for the amount of work and research that are necessary for writing the paper. The payment also includes the fee for maintaining and administering the product until it is completed and delivered to you.

b) Another important condition for the use of our product is that you are prohibited from modifying, reproducing or displaying it in whole or in part. On top of that, you aren’t allowed to reproduce or display it in print and hard copies. You are forbidden to do so if doing so exceeds the limit of necessary use.


9. Plagiarism

By placing an order through our website and going ahead to pay for it, you have agreed to certain terms:

a) We have the right to terminate the contract we have with a client who passes off the product from Assignmentyoda as his or her own work. Additionally, you have accepted that no part of the product will subsequently be distributed to third parties just so you get some financial gains. Note that using our product in such instances violates our terms of service. Consequently, we reserve the right to stop working on your current and future projects.

b) You are hereby prohibited from putting your name on the product. We must explicitly state that our deliverables are for reference and research purposes ONLY. We also have a responsibility to ensure we don’t get involved in plagiarism or similar acts that the global academic community disapproves of. Because we abhor the theft of intellectual property, we will ensure that we maintain it and never deliberately violate it.

c) By placing an order through our website, you willingly acknowledge that all our writing services are provided for research and reference purposes ONLY. You are strongly advised not to pass our service off as your own writing. With the aid of our work, you will have a model document for further research and/or source of inspiration for research.

d) You can, however, use part of this project for your educational work when you quote it properly by following the citing guidelines of the institution where the work will be submitted. You are hereby advised to comply with your institution’s plagiarism policy to be sure you don’t violate it.

e) We and our affiliate will not take responsibility for any unauthorized use of the academic work and other related work received from us that are likely to have negative consequences. The outcomes in question may include suspension, lawsuits, expulsion, academic probation, and other legal or disciplinary actions. If you purchase our academic products and use it for the wrong reasons, you are to be held responsible for whatever the outcome of your action is.


10. Personal Data Security

To find out more about how we gather, manage and protect your personal data, you are advised to visit our Privacy Policy page. The page gives more insight into the efforts we make to ensure that your data are in the right hands and are shared and managed appropriately.


11. Account Information and Security

a) The first step you will have to take before passing an order on our website entails creating an account on it. To create an account, you will have to submit certain information, such as name, phone number and email address. You will use one or more of these details to sign in and access your dashboard and then navigate through your account. Just before accessing your account, you will be asked to generate your password and confirm your email address.

b) You have the sole responsibility to secure your account by keeping your password safely. In other words, you are advised not to share your password with anyone. That way, cybercrime can be averted.

c) When there is an activity within your account, we will assume that you are the person behind this activity. Nevertheless, if you suspect that an unauthorized person has access to your account, you are advised to change your password at once or contact our helpdesk to assist you with this problem.

d) If we feel that your account has been compromised, we have the right to change your password. However, upon successfully changing your password, we will notify you that your login parameters have been changed.


12. Use and Termination of Website Access

You will find below the conditions for denying access to our website.

a) We strongly believe that your access to our website is for personal and noncommercial purposes. Acting otherwise is contrary to the Terms of Conditions of our platform.

b) The use of any part of the website for illegal purposes is strongly prohibited. This prohibition covers certain areas that are detailed below:

c) The distribution of harmful, harassing and obscene materials or any other unlawful materials that contravene the use of the website;

d) The distribution of materials that incite people to get involved in illegality, which constitutes a crime;

e) To deliberately interfere with how another client accesses and uses our website;

f) When you make, store or reproduce electronic copies of materials that are copyright-protected, which you don’t have the legal permission to share;

g) If you breach the terms of use, you are liable for it;

h) When we suspect that your use the website poses a threat to another client’s use of the website, we have the right to suspend your account pending the completion of an investigation into your account;

i) If you try to contact your writer through a channel that violates the Terms of Conditions of our website, we have the right to terminate your account.


13. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

1. In accordance with our intellectual property rights, we have spelled out some important rules that guide our product use:

a) Our writers draft all the products delivered to our clients;

b) When we deliver products to our clients, we also retain the full copyright of such products;

c) When we receive your payment for the product, we grant you nonexclusive license for the products you receive, provided that all products are used for noncommercial and personal purposes ONLY;

d) You will agree not to transmit, spread, alter, showcase the products and services on our website without seeking our permission;

e) You will be liable for all potential losses emanating from unauthorized use of our products and services.

2. Customers are required to supply all the Intellectual Property Rights in their materials.

3. You have the responsibility to ensure that the reference materials attached during your order don’t violate IPRs, constitute any copyright violation and any similar prohibitions. If you don’t satisfy this condition, you are strongly advised against sharing such materials with us. However, if you continue to share the materials, you will have to bear the losses that Assignmentyoda will incur as a result of your action.

4. Our website IPRs are discussed below:

a) All the intellectual property rights belong to us;

b) You are forbidden from transmitting the IPRs of Assignmentyoda to any visitors;

c) Without permission from us, you are not allowed to copy, download or distribute any content from our website;

d) Although most of our deliverables have a source-use feature, we don’t transfer the sources used to create the entire deliverable. When you pay for this feature, it is our responsibility to provide you with the necessary links to purchase or view it.


14. Disclaimer

You should familiarize yourself with the Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability:

a) The site and its content are provided “as is.” Consequently, we don’t guarantee that the website will fully satisfy you or meet your requirements. We are incessantly upgrading our website to avert unauthorized access. Therefore, if the device you are using to access the site is not fully compatible with some of the features of the website, including the encryption technology, your access to the website content may be hampered.

b) Our website is based on the World Wide Web protocols, which we don’t have total control over. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that using our website complies with all the legal requirements needed for similar sites to operate in many jurisdictions around the world.

c) On our website, we may have links to other websites that belong to third party companies or affiliates. We strongly admonish that you review the Privacy Policy of such websites before providing them with your personal information.