Moneyback Warranties


This section explains how our Moneyback Warranties work. You will not be qualified for a refund in the following situations:

1. Your Credit Balance;

2. Value Added Tax (VAT);

3. When our team probes your claims just to realize that your initial instructions have been followed to the letter;

4. Additional services, such as plagiarism report, VIP service and discounts, top writer, abstract page;

5. Problem-solving and multiple-choice tasks. Remember that if you use the answers that our experts delivered to you, it means that you have actually approved them. Nevertheless, if you score below pass mark after using the answer, you are entitled to partial refund. Whenever issues of refund arise, the Billing Department will have to work it out;

6. When the requirements and rules of the mentioned Terms and Conditions are clearly flouted;

7. A case that stirs an open dispute in our system;

8. The 10-day period given for free revision has elapsed. Notice that the free revision starts instantly after the deadline indicated on the order form;

9. The mark received from the school authorities is far below the expectation of the student. However, you should note that we don’t guarantee you any precise marks for assignment done. From experience, we have learned that teachers or lecturers often award marks based on their perception and discretion, which are factors we have no control over.


When Do We Refund Our Clients?

Well, the Assignmentyoda team will refund you if your case satisfies any of the conditions highlighted below:

1. You mistakenly paid for your order twice. When we receive such a complaint, we will investigate it. If you are right, you will get a refund within 3 business days;

2. If we are unable to meet your deadline. In this case, we will also investigate the matter to find out why we were unable to beat your deadline. Going forward, if we find out that we didn’t meet the deadline because the client didn’t give us precise information, you will not be qualified for our refund policy. Similarly, if you were supposed to provide us with all the references needed for the task, we will have to check if you truly supplied us with the necessary details to get the task done. If it turns out that the faults come from our side, we will reimburse the total price of your order;

3. We were unable to locate the actual writer who handled your task and failed to deliver it on time. But we must state categorically that such situations are very rare. When it happens, you are sure to get a full refund from our team;

4. Assignment or instruction qualities are very weak. In this scenario, our customer support team will have to decide what you are actually entitled to. Notice that we will launch an investigation into what happened and greater attention will be paid to the instructions you gave us when you placed the order;

5. If there is no expert available to revise your academic work, you will be entitled to 15%-50% refund, which will be independently determined by us. In a situation where we are unable to complete the revision by the deadline necessary to submit the task, you will be compensated 15% for our inability to deliver. However, we guarantee that our team will work individually on each complaint to resolve it to the client’s satisfaction;

6. If you suspect that our writer has plagiarized an existing content, you will have to prove your claims. In that case, you are required to provide links, which show the source where the content was taken from;

7. In case you don’t like the result of our deliverable, you are advised to contact our customer helpdesk and ask for a full refund. Afterward, we will investigate the matter and ascertain if you are qualified for it or not.

Please not that whenever you request a 100% refund for any completed academic task, you automatically waive all rights you previously had to the completed assignments. In this case, your assignment automatically belongs to us and we may use it for any commercial or advertising purposes.


Duration of Refund

Once again, the Billing Department is responsible for determining who deserves a refund and who does not. However, you are not permitted to contact them directly. You just need to contact the manager and/or the helpdesk, and they will forward your complaints to the relevant department. Upon getting to the Billing Department, it will investigate your case and analyze what you deserve based on our Moneyback Warranties.

You have our assurance that you will get a positive feedback within 3 business days of filling this complaint with the Billing Department. While we anticipate that 3 business days are enough for your case to be resolved, it could be more or less, depending on the schedule of the relevant department and the particulars of your complaint.

Please note that if you don’t respond to our managers’ questions within 5 days, your request for refund will be rescinded. Therefore, it is in your best interest to be on the lookout for updates whenever you file such complaints with us.